Guardian Live debate with Hugh Muir, Dawn Foster & Susan Emmett

Photo: Christopher Thomond/The Guardian
WED 25 OCTOBER 2017 7PM-8.30PM
Kings Place, London, N1 9AG
The Grenfell Tower fire highlighted a number of issues regarding social housing, safety and inequality. A result of years of neglect and poor policymaking, it revealed something significant about Britain’s attitude towards those who need housing support the most.
The problem isn’t just wealthy foreigners and greedy corporations, however. Almost half of landlords in the London borough of Newham have failed to declare their rental income, indicating a broader division between the haves and have nots. Has housing greed reached new heights?
It is expected that the number of people forced into homelessness in Britain will double by 2041, with the number of people sleeping rough likely to more than quadruple. What can the government and the opposition do to tackle this crisis?
Join the Guardian’s associate opinion editor Hugh Muir for a panel discussion with Anna Minton, author of Big Capital: Who Is London For?, Guardian columnist Dawn Foster and Susan Emmett, head of housing and urban regeneration at Policy Exchange. One more panellist to be confirmed.